Artist-Scientist Joint Seminar (May 17, 2018 at *KIAS)
The ‘Artist-Scientist Joint Seminar’ is a trans-disciplinary program co-organized by KIAS physicists and artists, where scientists and artists each present their own researches and share ideas. At the seminar, Chang CheolWon presented his research themed ‘three minimum units’.
*Korea Institute for Advanced Study |  Artist Talk (May 14, 2018 at Total Museum)
At Total Museum located in Seoul, Chang CheolWon introduced his works to some artists, critics and curators. During this one and a half hours-long presentation, Chang broadly covered the history of his artworks starting from early works to current developments. Chang spoke about his investigations at CERN’s Antimatter Factory, ATLAS, CMS, CERN Control Center, and DUNE(Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment).
http://www.totalmuseum.org |