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Solo Exhibition, 'Contour Map' 2024.11.01. ~ 2024.11.29. Gallery2F(68, World Cup buk-ro 7-gil, Mapo-gu), Seoul, Korea

Group Exhibition, 'Summer at Vaux-sur-Seine' 2023.9.1. ~ 2023.10.29. Lee Ungno Museum, Daejeon, Korea

Group Exhibition, 'Future of Humanity' 2023.9.6. ~ 2023.10.9. ILD(I Love Drawing), Seoul, Korea

Group Exhibition, 'Configuration of Matter and Energy' 2023.1.13. ~ 2023.2.4. SoolSool Center, Seoul, Korea

Group Exhibition, 'NEXTCODE 2022' 2022.11.29. ~ 2023.1.29. Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, Korea

BIZart Magazine, Cover and Article. January 2021.

Group Exhibition, 'Space & Museum' 2021.07.06. ~ 2021.08.28. LeeKangha Art Museum, Gwangju, Korea

Ways of Curating by Hans Ulrich Obrist (Translation in Korean - Translated by Ji Yoon Yang), Cover. Place of Publication : ARTBOOKPRESS

Group Exhibition, 'Flexible Boundary' 2020.12.01. ~ 2020.12.27. Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea

Solo Exhibition, 'Finding the Right Formation' 2020.09.15. ~ 2020.09.27. Opening Reception : 09.15.(Tue.) 17h Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea

Lecture-Performance, 'Disaster and Time' 2020.04.30.(Thurs.) 4PM Sejong Museum of Art Exhibition Hall 1, Seoul, Korea

Group Exhibition, 'Happiness Finds Me' 2020.04.24. ~ 2020.05.09. Sejong Museum of Art Exhibition Hall 1, Seoul, Korea

Lecture-Performance, 'The Light and Time through a Caption' 2019.12.21.(Sat.) 3, 6PM PLACEMAK-LASER, Seoul

Group Exhibition, 'Geometry, beyond Simplicity' 2019.03.22. ~ 2019.08.25. Opening Reception : 04.10.(Wed.) 17h Museum SAN, Wonju, Korea

Group Exhibition, 'Artience Daejeon' 2018.10.25. ~ 2018.11.04. Opening Reception : 10.25.(Thurs.) 16h Daejeon Culture and Arts Foundation, Daejeon, Korea

Residency Program (June 1 - November 30, 2018 at *KRISS) Chang CheolWon will be in ‘Artience Daejeon’ for six months from June to November 2018. Artience Daejeon is a residency program where artists collaborate with scientists. KRISS (*Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) will cooperate with Chang, a South Korean research institute that develops the technology for measuring standard physical units for areas such as mass, time and energy.

Artist-Scientist Joint Seminar (May 17, 2018 at *KIAS) The ‘Artist-Scientist Joint Seminar’ is a trans-disciplinary program co-organized by KIAS physicists and artists, where scientists and artists each present their own researches and share ideas. At the seminar, Chang CheolWon presented his research themed ‘three minimum units’. *Korea Institute for Advanced Study

Artist Talk (May 14, 2018 at Total Museum) At Total Museum located in Seoul, Chang CheolWon introduced his works to some artists, critics and curators. During this one and a half hours-long presentation, Chang broadly covered the history of his artworks starting from early works to current developments. Chang spoke about his investigations at CERN’s Antimatter Factory, ATLAS, CMS, CERN Control Center, and DUNE(Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment).

Chang CheolWon is awarded the Accelerate Korea Award, 2017 * ACCELERATE Korea Award is the first opportunity for a South Korean artist to carry out artistic research in the field of visual arts inspired by the world of particle physics in intense dialog with the scientists of CERN. Arts at CERN is CERN's official engagement with the arts since 2010. CERN is the particle physics laboratory, home of the Large Hadron Collider.

Group Exhibition, '2nd New Drawing Project' 2017.01.26. ~ 2017.04.16. Opening Reception : 02.03.(Fri.) 16h Chang Ucchin Museum of Art, Yangju, Korea

KBS 1TV 'Culture Promenade', October 17, 2016

Open Studio, 'PASSAGE_PASS-AGE' 2016.10.21. ~ 2016.10.23. Artist talk : 10.23.(Sun.) 11h 14 Route de Pontoise, Vaux-sur-Seine, France

Open Studio, 'PASSAGE_PASS-AGE' 2016.10.21. ~ 2016.10.23. Artist talk : 10.23.(Sun.) 11h 14 Route de Pontoise, Vaux-sur-Seine, France

Dong-A Business Review(DBR), Cover. January 2016.

Group Exhibition, 'The First' 2015.04.21. ~ 2015.05.31. Opening Reception : 04.24(Fri.) 17h Seoul Art Foundation, Seoul, Korea

Group Exhibition, 'Korea Tomorrow' 2014.10.09. ~ 2014.11.02. Opening Reception : 10.08(Weds.) 17h Dongdaemun Design Plaza(DDP), Seoul, Korea (+82)2-567-6070

Public Art Magazine p.96~99 September 2014

Solo Exhibition, 'Architecture of Illusion' 2014.07.15. ~ 2014.08.14. Opening Reception : 07.16(Weds.) 17h Gallery Absinthe, Seoul, Korea

Group Exhibition, 'NEW HERO' 2014.04.30. ~ 2014.05.16. Opening Reception : 04.30(Weds.) 16h INTERPARK Bluesqare NEMO, Seoul, Korea

Group Exhibition, 'Let's Hang Whatever You Can Carry' 2013.05.10. ~ 2013.05.26. / 11:00 ~ 19:00 Space O'NewWall, Seoul, Korea

    ⓒ Chang CheolWon. All Rights Reserved.

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